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Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Name : Computer Essentials
Level : 1
Course Code : CST8101
Course Description: The essentials of computer software, hardware, and laptop management form the foundation for building further technical programming skills. Learn to configure your laptop environment, basic PC and troubleshoot problems. Students create backups, install virus protection, and manage files through a basic understanding of the Windows Operating System. Students also install and configure the Windows Operating System, and a virtual machine environment and explore computer organization including basic numerical systems, functional hardware and software components needed to run programs.

Programming Logic & Design Comprehensive

Course Name : Introduction to Computer Programming
Level : 1
Course Code : CST8116
Course Description: Possessing the fundamentals of logic, problem-solving and programming language structure provides a solid foundation for further study in the field. Students develop introductory knowledge of computer programming with emphasis on problem analysis and design, using algorithms, pseudocode, flowcharts, UML Class Diagrams and testing. Through an introduction to the Java programming language students use sequential structures, selection structures, repetition structures, variables,constants, methods, constructors, one-dimensional arrays, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, abstraction, encapsulation, inputs, outputs, coding conventions and documentation.

Introduction to Database

Course Name : Introduction to Database
Level : 1
Course Code : CST8215
Course Description: Databases are used to store data and are a core component of many information technology systems. Students learn the fundamentals of relational databases design using Entity Relation Diagrams (ERDs), and use Structured Query Language (SQL) to create, modify and query a database. Students design and create databases that are maintainable, secure and adaptable to change in business requirements, using normalization. Students become familiar with the functions of a Database Management System (DBMS) and its components in comparison with legacy systems and alternative information storage mechanisms.

Achieving Success in Changing Environments

Course Name : Achieving Success in Changing Environments
Level : 1
Course Code : CST8300
Course Description: Rapid changes in technology have created personal and employment choices that challenge each of us to find our place as contributing citizens in the emerging society. Life in the 21st century presents significant opportunities, but it also creates potential hazards and ethical problems that demand responsible solutions. Students explore the possibilities ahead, assess their own aptitudes and strengths, and apply critical thinking and decision-making tools to help resolve some of the important issues in our complex society with its competing interests.

Communications I

Course Name : Communications I
Level : 1
Course Code : ENL1813T
Course Description: Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical,vocation-oriented approach, students focus on meeting the requirements of effective communication. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and independent learning, students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.

Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation

Course Name : Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation
Level : 2
Course Code : CST2355
Course Description: Database systems can automate data processing tasks as well as tie into the security of information technology systems. Students acquire practical experience using market-leading object-relational database management systems like Oracle and MySQL. Students obtain hands-on experience with advanced engineering modeling tools along with SQL, SQL scripts and programming with Oracle's PL/SQL blocks. Database concepts covered include advanced SQL, case structures, rollup and cube operations, metadata manipulation, data storage and retrieval, security and transaction control and data warehousing.

Operating System Fundamentals (GNU/Linux)

Course Name : Operating System Fundamentals (GNU/Linux)
Level : 2
Course Code : CST8102
Course Description: Operating systems form the backbone of information technology systems coordinating the interaction between hardware and software. Students explore the basic concepts and components of Operating Systems (OS), and how they function and interact with hardware and software components. Students examine the details of operating system structures, process management, storage management, installation, configuration, and administration both in theory and through practical assignments based on the GNU/Linux operating system. Lab work is designed to implement the theory by developing skills using the powerful GNU/Linux command-line tools and utilities.

Big Java Early Objects

Course Name : Object Oriented Programming (Java)
Level : 2
Course Code : CST8284
Course Description: Working in the field of information technology as a programmer requires a firm understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Students explore object-oriented programming methodology using the Java programming language. Object oriented concepts, such as encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction and polymorphism are covered and reinforced with practical applications. Students explore the basics of data structures and algorithms as well as basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming.

Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Course Name : Web Programming
Level : 2
Course Code : CST8285
Course Description: The World Wide Web (WWW) has become an integrated part of everyday life. Students develop basic skills of web programming, website design and implementation . JavaScript, HTML5, and PHP are used to explore web-based solutions to problems of increasing interactivity and complexity. Lectures are reinforced by practical assignments that encourage students to construct and maintain their own websites.